Jadsa TV - Jadsa Studios - Jadsa Labs
Jadsa Corp is a Tech project created by Jhimmy Astoraque. We try to share educational content, resources and projects in different areas such as programming, electronics, video game development, etc.
The motivation comes from the desire to contribute to the community that tries to learn technology issues. Especially for people who do not have as many resources to pay for a traditional university education.
# | Nombre | Youtube Link |
1 | Serie Arduino Tips | https://bit.ly/SerieArduinoTips |
2 | Serie Esp32 | https://bit.ly/SerieESP32 |
3 | Serie Sensores y Módulos | https://bit.ly/SerieSensores |
4 | Serie Cápsulas de Unity | https://bit.ly/CapsulasUnity |
5 | Serie Tiras y Led RGB | https://bit.ly/TirasLedRGB |
6 | Serie Raspberry PI | https://bit.ly/SerieRaspberryPI |
7 | Serie Sistema de Control de Gases | https://bit.ly/MonitoreoGases |
8 | Serie ESP8266 Intermedia | https://bit.ly/Esp8266Intermedio |
9 | Serie Desarrollo de Videojuegos | https://bit.ly/DesarrolloVJ |
10 | Serie Recreando Videojuegos | https://bit.ly/RecreandoVJ |
11 | Serie Unity - Arduino | https://bit.ly/UnityArduino |
12 | Serie Cubos Led | https://bit.ly/CubosLed |
13 | Serie Scratch 3.0 | https://bit.ly/ScratchMit |
14 | Serie Proyectos Jadsa | https://bit.ly/SerieProyectos |
15 | Serie Arduino - HTML - NODEJS | https://bit.ly/ArduinoNodeJS |
16 | Serie ESP8266 Básica | https://bit.ly/Esp8266Basica |
17 | Serie HMI Human Machine Interface | https://bit.ly/SerieHMI |
18 | Serie ESP - FIREBASE | https://bit.ly/esp32Firebase |
19 | Serie BLYNK | https://bit.ly/SerieBlynk |
20 | Nueva Serie Esp32 2024 | https://bit.ly/SerieEsp32_2024 |